

  • Disc One
  • 1. "Solsbury Hill" Peter Gabriel 1 (Car), 1977 4:23
  • 2. "Shock the Monkey" (Single edit) Peter Gabriel 4 (Security), 1982 3:59
  • 3. "Sledgehammer" (Single edit) So, 1986 4:59
  • 4. "Don't Give Up" (Edited version) So 5:55
  • 5. "Games Without Frontiers" (Single edit) Peter Gabriel 3 (Melt), 1980 3:57
  • 6. "Big Time" So 4:28
  • 7. "Burn You Up, Burn You Down" Previously unreleased, 2003 5:26
  • 8. "Growing Up" (Tom Lord-Alge mix) Originally from Up, 2002 4:48
  • 9. "Digging in the Dirt" Us, 1992 5:15
  • 10. "Blood of Eden" (Radio edit) Us 5:06
  • 11. "More than This" (Radio edit) Up 4:33
  • 12. "Biko" (Edited version) Peter Gabriel 3 (Melt) 6:58
  • 13. "Steam" Us 6:02
  • 14. "Red Rain" So 5:39
  • 15. "Here Comes the Flood" (1990 version) Shaking the Tree: Sixteen Golden Greats, 1990; originally from Peter Gabriel 1 (Car) 4:32
  • Disc Two (UK edition)
  • 1. "San Jacinto" Peter Gabriel 4 (Security) 6:31
  • 2. "No Self Control" Peter Gabriel 3 (Melt) 3:55
  • 3. "Cloudless" Long Walk Home: Music from the Rabbit-Proof Fence, 2002 4:48
  • 4. "The Rhythm of the Heat" Peter Gabriel 4 (Security), 1982 5:18
  • 5. "I Have the Touch" (Robbie Robertson mix) Soundtrack from Phenomenon, 1996; originally from Peter Gabriel 4 (Security) 4:19
  • 6. "I Grieve" Up 7:24
  • 7. "D.I.Y." Peter Gabriel 2 (Scratch), 1978 2:38
  • 8. "A Different Drum" Passion: Music for The Last Temptation of Christ, 1989 4:47
  • 9. "The Drop" Up 3:02
  • 10. "The Tower That Ate People" (Steve Osborne mix) Soundtrack from The Red Planet, 2000 4:06
  • 11. "Lovetown" Soundtrack from Philadelphia, 1993 5:23
  • 12. "Father, Son" OVO, 2000 4:58
  • 13. "Signal to Noise" Up 7:35
  • 14. "Downside Up" (Live) Previously unreleased; originally from OVO 5:32
  • 15. "Washing of the Water" Us 3:54
  • Disc Two (U.S. edition)
  • 1. "San Jacinto" Peter Gabriel 4 (Security) 6:31
  • 2. "I Don't Remember" Peter Gabriel 3 (Melt) 4:32
  • 3. "The Rhythm of the Heat" Peter Gabriel 4 (Security) 5:19
  • 4. "Love to Be Loved" Us 5:17
  • 5. "I Grieve" Up 7:25
  • 6. "Family Snapshot" Peter Gabriel 3 (Melt) 4:29
  • 7. "In Your Eyes" So 5:29
  • 8. "The Drop" Up 3:04
  • 9. "The Tower That Ate People" (Steve Osborne mix) Soundtrack from The Red Planet, 2000 4:04
  • 10. "Lovetown" Soundtrack from Philadelphia, 1993 5:21
  • 11. "Father, Son" OVO 4:55
  • 12. "Signal to Noise" Up 7:33
  • 13. "Downside Up" (Live) Previously unreleased; originally from OVO 5:33
  • 14. "Cloudless" Long Walk Home: Music from the Rabbit-Proof Fence 4:48

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Vydavatelství: Virgin Records  

Typ alba: kompilace

Rok vydání: 2003


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