Michael Harris

Michael Harris

Heavy metal,Progressive metal,Instrumental,Shred

Žánr: Heavy metal Progressive metal Instrumental Shred

Web: http://www.michaelharrisguitar.com/

LastFM: http://www.last.fm/music/Michael+Harris

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/michaelharrisofficial/

Adam Nitti,Arch Rival,Brian Harris,Chastain,CJSS,Clint Barlow,Concept of God,Counterpoint,Darkology,David Harbour,David T. Chastain,Dawn Oyedipe,Derek Blakley,Eric Martinez,Eumeria,Firewind,Foul Stench,Gary Rigmaiden,Greg Martin,Haji's Kitchen,James Martin,Jenni Ritter,Keith Carlock,Kenziner,King Diamond,Kinrick,Last Call,Leather,Legacy of Disorder,Manta Ray,Matt Thompson,Michael Harris,Ohio (us),Rob Stankiewicz,Seven Seraphim,Shaolin Death Squad,Solitude Aeturnus,Surgeon,The Michael Harris Tranz-Fusion,The Reefer Hut,Thought Chamber,USA,Vainglory,Vitalij Kuprij,Wings of Dahak,Zanister

Tagy: Adam Nitti Arch Rival Brian Harris Chastain CJSS Clint Barlow Concept of God Counterpoint Darkology David Harbour David T. Chastain Dawn Oyedipe Derek Blakley Eric Martinez Eumeria Firewind Foul Stench Gary Rigmaiden Greg Martin Haji's Kitchen James Martin Jenni Ritter Keith Carlock Kenziner King Diamond Kinrick Last Call Leather Legacy of Disorder Manta Ray Matt Thompson Michael Harris Ohio (us) Rob Stankiewicz Seven Seraphim Shaolin Death Squad Solitude Aeturnus Surgeon The Michael Harris Tranz-Fusion The Reefer Hut Thought Chamber USA Vainglory Vitalij Kuprij Wings of Dahak Zanister


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